GME – Pedagogies and Strategies

GME – Pedagogies and Strategies

Teachers use a range of pedagogies and strategies to promote pupil learning and achievement in GME. Key approaches include CLIL, collaborative learning, task-based approaches and taking a strategic approach to student accuracy in Gaelic.
  • Task-based learning (TBL) involves the teaching and learning of language(s) through tasks in the target language using authentic language and language usage scenarios and allows students to relate language to meaning and purposes.
  • Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is an approach which integrates the delivery of curricular content with the learning of a language. This approach can be very effective in achieving language learning outcomes when consideration is given to both the content and language learning.
  • The teaching of Gaelic needs to consider the link between language and identity. Language learning can be used to support students in understanding their own identity and culture, fostering multiple ethnic and cultural identities.
  • Language and culture are closely linked. The learning of Gaelic needs to take place within a cultural context, not only knowing about the culture but also how to engage with the culture.
  • Collaborative learning has been shown to promote key aspects of second language learning, such as peer-communication and pupil motivation.
  • Gaelic-medium teachers use their professional judgement to take a strategic approach to student accuracy and error correction in Gaelic. Immersion students require a range of instructional strategies in order to ensure consistently high levels of pupil accuracy in Gaelic.
  • In language teaching, guidance given to teachers and the findings of research into Second Language Acquisition (SLA) have been considered as separate discourses. The findings of SLA research relating to corrective feedback can be used to inform effective teaching practices.
