LEAP: Reflective Questions – Professional Skills and Abilities

Teaching and Learning
  • How can I enable individual pupils to express themselves using their existing and emerging linguistic repertoires?
  • How can I plan activities, especially those involving other curricular areas, to progress pupil language development?
  • What type of activities foster intercultural awareness and sensitivity towards diversity?
Classroom organisation and management
  • How can I identify and respond to the needs of individual learners and their linguistic competences?
  • How do I monitor and support individuals to ensure language progression across all language skills (reading, writing, listening and talking)?
  • How can language learning strategies be made transparent?
Pupil Assessment
  • How can a range of  formative and summative assessment instruments be used to evaluate individual learners’ journeys towards plurilingualism and pluriliteracy?
Professional reflection and communication
  • How can I use the available support and resources within my school, authority, and wider professional and academic communities?
  • How can effective collaborations be established to promote linguistic and cultural diversity?
