Languages are one of the eight areas of Curriculum for Excellence, and the Scottish Government remains fully committed to the 1+2 policy to enhance and extend language learning for all children and young people from early primary stages onwards. The 1 + 2 policy should be fully embedded in Scottish schools by 2021. Crichton and Valdera-Gil’s (2018) small-scale research study aimed to ascertain 38 primary teachers’ perceptions of their confidence to teach an FL to primary learners and what they felt would be helpful in developing their language proficiency and language teaching pedagogy. The teachers, while enthusiastic about the thinking behind the policy, expressed concern about their ability to provide a good model of language to their classes and their own development as learners of a language while simultaneously having to teach it. FL assistants, secondary colleagues and FL development officers were seen as valuable sources of support, but questions were raised about the sustainability of the policy without long-term permanent commitment.