Language as a linguistic system

Every language has a structure. Knowledge of the structure of how a language works can help the learning of additional languages.
  • Knowledge about a language helps learners learn an additional language skills and grammar.
  • Early exposure to an additional language can promote meta-linguistic awareness.
  • Teachers need to foster students’ metacognitive awareness to allow students to use their prior linguistic knowledge in the learning of additional languages.
  • Language learning activities that draw attention to the features of the L1 can benefit learners in developing metalinguistic awareness and make comparisons and links between the L1 and the L2.
  • Short exposure to the L2 might not lead to a great communicative command of this language, but it can provide learners with an increased metalinguistic awareness, which is a component in the development of reading skills.
  • There is a difference between L1 and L2 learners of a language. Language teaching should consider the competences already developed in the L1 and help students use these same systems in acquiring additional languages.
  • The mixing and merging of languages when learning and speaking more than one language can happen and is a normal process in the language acquisition process.
