Exploring emergent literacy development in a second language: A selective literature review and conceptual framework for research. 

This paper explores the links between second language acquisition and literacy development in very young learners. It is based on a study done in Hong Kong with bilingual Chinese English learners. It uses a
conceptual model of second language emergent literacy which may be considered quite complicated by practitioners. This paper explores the links between second language acquisition and literacy development in very young learners. It is based on a study done in Hong Kong with bilingual Chinese English learners. It uses a conceptual model of second language emergent literacy which may be
considered quite complicated by practitioners.

While there have been reviews over the past decade of studies examining second- language (L2) acquisition and also emergent literacy development, these related bodies of knowledge have not generally been considered together in relation to the education of very young English-language learners. This paper attempts to do so in a selective manner by proposing a preliminary conceptual framework for second language emergent literacy development, thus paving the way for future research. The literature on the emergent literacy of native English speakers is first outlined, followed by a discussion of the general effects of bilingualism and cross-linguistic transfer, with the special case of Hong Kong children serving as an illustrative example. Finally, poten- tial environmental influences are explored, with a focus on the home literacy environment.
