EAL – Pedagogies and strategies

Pedagogies and strategies

For an increasing number of students in the classroom English is not their (main) L1. This linguistic diversity brings opportunities and challenges to the classroom.
  • Language development and social integration are important for the academic progress of EAL students.
  • Children who do not speak the language of the school face many challenges; social, cultural and linguistic. Children respond to these challenges in different ways and teachers need to use an holistic and sensitive approach to support each individual.
  • The L1 of the children, for example through allowing translanguaging,  can be used to support and enhance their understanding of the language of the classroom and any further languages taught or present in the school.
  • Actively involving the parents of EAL pupils in specific schemes can develop meaningful engagement and social integration both at school and within the wider community. For example, offering induction courses for family members has been shown to be a successful initiative.
